
"When you study Buddhism you should have a general house cleaning of your mind."

– Shunryu Suzuki.

The concept of emptiness is a difficult one to explain, and an even harder one to understand. We constantly seek understanding, using labels to create a world around us that makes sense, but ultimately, that world exists, with or without the labels.

Empty of meaning, other than the labels which we humans boundlessly attach to our world, we are left with no-thing, or no-thing-ness. Emptiness. The labels we attach to things in our world are just labels, with which we identify elements of our existence, our world, but without which, nothing has identity. So, if this identity doesn't exist without the attachment of labels, then it simply does not exist.

By undergoing this process, we construct our reality. By attaining a correct understanding of emptiness, we deconstruct our reality, dissolving meaning, causing three attitudes to arise. We can become…

Flexible. Nothing is real, fixed, separate, or can be owned, so resistance is unhelpful to us.
Kind. Everything is connected, so kindness spontaneously arises in us.
Humble. Talk does not make a master, so why let the ego rule us?