

The following post was shared by mindful artist and author, Wendy Ann Greenhalgh (@artofmindfulness) this morning on Instagram.

Thank you for shining a light on my practice Wendy Ann, it invites the work to keep flowing.

A pine cone falls, seeding a thousand forests.



“One way we can be more mindful here is to follow people who encourage us in our mindfulness. So today I thought I'd introduce you to Ando McDonnell. Whenever one of Ando's posts appears in my feed it's like a mindfulness bell going off — right there in the middle of my life. 
The stillness, simplicity and clarity of her Zen poetry, haiku and photography are an oasis of presence in the clamour of my feed. They remind me to stop, look, breathe. I think they'll probably do the same for you. 
You can follow Ando at @theunsui. 
You can also find out more about her on Patreon — a community supporting her to raise funds for a solitary retreat centre for others in Portugal — amongst other things…
I'll leave you with some practical Ando wisdom...”

The best life hack of all...
We don't need to hack life
We need to live it.



Read Wendy Ann's original post.