Unborn mind.
Looking at the world with pure, undefiled, undefined, unborn awareness, what do you see?
Looking up at the sky, as if for the first time, I witness a miracle.
A huge creature lifts off, powered from the air she moves with her vast wings.
Slow, silent (but for the air at her wing tips), she meaningfully rises, as if by some magic.
Soaring, she peaks, and begins to glide. As she begins to drop, effortlessly, a single pump of her wings lifts her to a soar again.
Broad and strong is her wingspan, yet flows in fluid motion with the warm afternoon air.
I haven't named this creature.
If I call her a bird, immediately you will bring all your gathered concepts of birdness to her.
If I call her a stork, even the concept of birdness narrows.
What is a bird?
It's a label. Not the creature itself, nor its motion, or life.
This winged life force, this miracle of feather, flesh, blood, bone and air, is more than all of it's constituent parts.
Next time you look at the world, a bird, a coffee cup, tar on the street, look again, with fresh, clear eyes, free from concepts.
Don't tell me what you see. It will never give me the same experience.
Just as these words cannot give you my experience of the stork, or the nature of storkness.
Simply, these words are to point you to see the world with your own fresh eyes.
Don’t bring these words, nor those of anyone else.
Don’t bring any concept, simply allow seeing and experiencing to happen, and find yourself as pure, unadorned, seeing.
Looking with “don't know” mind, without labels and concepts, we see from the Unborn mind of a Buddha.
This is available to everyone, it's not an exclusive club.
Find out for yourself.
Spontaneous writing / 18.05.16