Swimming meditation.

I meditate. Daily. Sometimes twice or more daily. Most of the time, I also swim, daily, sometimes twice or more daily, in the ocean, occasionally in rivers, pools and lakes. Always outdoors, occasionally in regular back yard pool.

Always, it results in a meditational experience for me. It immediately places me in that mind space, my body floats, and gets out of the way. Initially, I am just swimming, stroking away, on the surface, exploring beneath the surface, but after a while, a desire to stop, and simply float, overrides other activity, and I find myself taking time out. Floating there, on my back, arms spread out to my side, gazing at the sky, as a zazen practitioner might gaze at a wall.

Not seeing the sky, but seeing my thoughts, noticing them, without getting tangled up in them. Letting them arrive, easily allowing them to leave again, just as the water gently moves, a flow.

There is no more natural feeling in meditation for me. There's none of the pain of zazen sitting meditation, the weightlessness brings an ease to the process. It swiftly moves me to mindfulness.

If you haven't tried the meditation of swimming, give it a go. For me, a clearer mind results, and a more relaxed body is always a bonus to the process. It's less of a battle than seated meditation, particularly if you're seeking a longer session.

It's all good practice.