There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity.
– Shunryu Suzuki
Enlightened activity is what happens when we drop everything, and stop trying.
When we stop trying, we stop trying to control what we do, how we do it and when we do it. We stop trying to generate and control outcomes in our lives.
When we stop trying, we stop doing, and in this stopping of doing, we start being. There’s room for the breath of life to flow through us, and to move us in ways we could never imagine possible.
How many times have you experienced a situation that brought you great joy, delight, success, or otherwise, and you have had to note that it was a situation you could never have imagined possible, not even in your wildest dreams?
This is enlightened activity. This is you without you.
There is no truer expression of life, than life living itself.
Get out of the way, and the light will shine through you.
You won’t have to do a thing.