Fall in love with now.
“Do not look back my friend. No one knows how the worlds ever began. do not fear the future, nothing lasts forever. If you dwell in the past or future you will miss the moment.”
– Rumi
“Zen is about knowing this mind, which can only be found and expressed right here.
There's no trail to this place. We're already here. All of us. If it's winter, one must have a mind of winter - indeed, one must be winter - to be here. That is, not thinking of spring, not longing for summer, for something that doesn't exist now, here. This mind isn't reaching for some other place.
And if it's summer, one must have a mind of summer.
There is no other place. We're forever here.”
– Steve Hagen
Yesterday, I suggested you spend a moment alone, and to make a way of being of that.
Today, I ask you to take notice of each moment. First, notice them. This tea meditation is a beautiful way you can begin to take notice of the moments in your day, in a way that you can bring into your life easily.
Once you can begin to notice this moment, live in it. We all think we have a lifetime, many lifetimes even. But we don’t. We only have this present moment, right now. Life is one continuous moment.
Fall in love with now. Live in this moment. It is the only time you really have in this timeless world.
“Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment.”
– Rumi
Be here now.
[image / tattly.com]