Living zen retreat / Day 06.

Be as you are, dance your own dance.

“As you are, right here at this moment, is it – effortless enlightenment.

There’s no getting anywhere or not getting anywhere. This is what’s meant by the teaching of sudden illumination.

Hesitate, and it’s lost; waver and it draws further away.”

– Zen Master Bankei

If I am am to echo the words of Zen Master Bankei Zenji today, it is not because I have read them and listened to them, it is because I have experienced the self same thing, directly, for myself. 

You can experience this directly too.

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Be as you are. You’re looking for something that is already here. You are already perfect, whole and beautiful. 

Your mind might tell you otherwise, others might tell you otherwise, but you don’t need to listen. Don’t listen. Just be as you are. 

Be as you are, you don’t need to change a thing. You simply need to accept what is, let go of what was, cease worrying about what might be, and be. Now.

Contemplate this today, in your meditation session, and throughout the day.

Be as you are and dance your own dance.


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