I'm not following rules,I'm following Truth.
I'm not living the dream, because the dream is untrue.
I'm dropping it all, for the love of Truth.
— Bhagavati
Magesh Nalla left a well paid job as an IT computer consultant to pursue to path of Aghora. After years of practice, he finds no temptation to return to his old life.
Aghori sadhus cover themselves with human ash, which is the last rite of the material body.
This is dropping everything, not just our job, but even our body, by facing the reality that we are beyond death.
We don’t have to become an Aghora, like Magesh, in order to drop everything. We simply have to fall in love with what is, drop all thoughts and imaginings of the past, future, and even of the present.
…and simply be.
Now, now, now.
[image : Joey L.]