“When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.”
Leave no trace of yourself.
Through mentoring and coaching, I can guide you, help you to burn yourself up completely, leaving no trace.
Why would you want to do this?
It sounds like the world’s worst advertisement!
But it’s not.
Because before you can find the fresh, pure, true you, you have to burn away the old condition bound you. Then, as you stand naked in the flames of what was, you will see what is left, because that which is true will not burn.
Then you can begin.
Only then it will be easy, light, flowing and effortless, because what arises for you, creatively, professionally, and spiritually, will be natural and true. This ease will be so natural, that it will draw others to you.
Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of your spiritual path, a clearer seeing of your creative flow, or a more peaceful professional life, burn yourself completely. Because you without you is there peace is to be found.