“Take less. Give more.”
Take less. In what ways do you take too much, or at least take enough that it would be better for you to take less?
Perhaps you take too much from others, from friends, even if it is given freely and offered with generosity. Sometimes it is better to say no thank you, sometimes it is kinder, more generous on our own part. The art is knowing when.
Perhaps you take too much from this beautiful planet we share, too much electricity, too much oil, too much food? Most of us could improve in this area, no matter how inspired we are to be eco-friendly, there’s always another edge of the envelope to push.
Perhaps you could just be alert to ways in which you are taking too much, throughout today. Perhaps you ask too much of your teachers, your friends, your family, ask less of them, give a little back, sometimes a small gift is nice, sometimes a hug or a smile is the best gift that one can give someone.
A thank you costs nothing but love. Have you got enough love to give today? Tomorrow too?
Today's thought is from the series '31 Ways to Have a Better Day'.