“Laugh. At yourself.”
Can you laugh at yourself? Can you look at yourself with honest eyes, and see what's there to laugh at? Usually, there is plenty, if you dare to look. The way your mind wanders, the quirky way you sit to meditate, or do a yoga asana, the way you think about others. So much is laughable.
We can easily fall into laughing at others. Fall is the right word, because in that act of laughing at others, we are lowering them in our eyes, and raising ourselves above them. What fools we are!
By laughing at ourselves, we show humbleness and modesty. We see ourselves as we truly are, not as we might wish to be. Most of all, we show others that we're not looking at them. We're looking at ourselves. Introspection and humbleness are two powerful forces for self development.
Today's thought is from the series '31 Ways to Have a Better Day'.