“Every day. Mindfulness.”
What does that mean to you, to be 'mindful'? Your awareness should be right here, right now. If it isn't, bring your awareness back to the present moment.
You can use a simple technique of focusing on your breath. Breathing normally, relax, focusing on the sensation of your breath, as it enters and leaves your nose.
Feel the fresh, clear, cool air as it enters your nostrils. Feel the the exhausted warm air, as it leaves your nostrils. By watching your breath like this, just for a few minutes, or only moments, you can bring yourself to mindfulness.
You can do this on the tube as you travel to work, in the supermarket check out queue, anywhere. By coming back to the present moment, your mind ceases wandering, and the falseness of your imagined experience falls away.
Today's thought is from the series '31 Ways to Have a Better Day'.