Quiet Notes Course


Quiet Notes Course

from £75.00

A self-paced online spiritual journalling course, in four parts.

The course is focused on spiritual journalling as a way of reflecting on silent sitting, meditation and contemplation practice. Often, things come up when we sit. Poems, notes, reflections. A good way to record these, for further reflection, to look back over time, or even for publication, is to keep a journal.

In the course, you will learn to keep a journal (ideally daily, but without compulsion or obligation, it should be a natural process) how to engage with it as a spiritual practice, and how to develop and grow with it.

Inspirations for the course will come from writers such as Thomas Merton, Thích Nhất Hạnh, Jiddu Krishnamurti, poets such as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Bashō, Rilke, and other famous and lesser known diarists.

In your journal, you may write notes on your silent sitting/meditation/contemplation practice, you may write reflections, poems or other notes. You may write down deep insights that arise whilst sitting, or afterwards, between sessions.

It’s a way of exploring the ways of doing this, so your journal becomes not only a practice, but a practical spiritual tool.

Any questions, please get in touch.

Tuition fee:
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