
On being nomadic.

Many people have taken to the road, declaring themselves digital nomads, modern nomads, and so on. 

I first took to the road in 1991, living nomadically in the UK for a couple of years, travelling in an old surf bus. I've never had much by way of roots.

But I started in earnest in 2007, long before the days of Colin Wright, Ev Bogue, Gwen Bell and the others. 

I didn't set out to become a nomad, it just happened, and that's the best way. It's the song of my soul, not the creation of my mind.

Today, I wake up in Lisbon, I've been here 1 month. Tomorrow, I wake up in my new home, Soller, Mallorca, at the foot of the Tramuntana Mountains.

Life in the moment is good. Way better than good. It's beautiful.