

It's time to unplug. From the web, from work, from all my usual, every day activities.

I'm all packed, and heading off on retreat today. 

This morning, Mallorca, Spain. This afternoon, Lisbon, Portugal. On Thursday I head South to Zmar eco camp resort and spa, on 7 days silent intensive retreat with Advaita Vedanta (non duality) teacher, Mooji, who I am currently studying and practicing with. The days open with meditation and yoga, then deepen into two hour Satsang sessions with Mooji, morning and evening. In between, I will spend my time only in silent contemplation. No reading, no writing, no mobile, no internet, no talking. Just me myself and I. 

This is about going deeper. About finding that which has always been there, and always will be. It is about deepening my work with the koan of Who Am I? that I have been working with for the past 11 months. This retreat provides an opportunity for deepening the connection with self, for awakening, for finding my own true nature. It is about finding and rejoining that which was never born, and that which can never die. 

Bring it on. 

After the retreat at Zmar, I will continue on to Mooji's ashram at Monte Sahaja, where I will stay a further four days, extending my retreat, and study with Mooji and Sangha, and to do some work with the MoojiMedia team, before returning to Mallorca, my new home. When I return, the retreat will continue, as I take it up into the Tramuntana Mountains, on 3 days silent journey through the mountains, hiking, camping and meditating, deep in contemplation.

I finally plug back into work on May 23, with a 1 hour interview as a featured guest with Satya Colombo, and, after a tea break, a mentoring session with a client, a speaker and writer. From there, I will roll gently back into my work as a meditation teacher, spiritual mentor and mindful publisher. 

See you on the other side…