silent sitting

Sit a moment.

"The true nature of the mind is emptiness, natural meditation, silence."— Sri Mooji

My Master, Sri Mooji asked that those in the Sangha engage in silent sitting each morning, to begin our day resting as awareness.

At his ashram, here in Portugal, silent sitting is held each day at 6:30am.

Wherever I am in the world, I also spend time sitting in silence each day.

Trained as I am, to teach you how to sit in the perfect, correct, zazen posture, how to breathe, how to sit, I have no interest in doing that right now.

I simply want you to sit.

Just sit.

On the floor, your favourite chair, a garden seat, under a tree, all are perfect. There cannot be a moment or a place that isn’t perfect for you to simply stop whatever you’re doing, and sit.

When first you sit, perhaps mind will come as a tsunami of thoughts. Let it come. It is not you.

It is not you.

Unborn. Unchanging. Timeless. Truth.

This you are.

This is an extract from yesterday's edition of The Quiet Letters. To read more, follow the links below.

Read the full edition / Subscribe.

I will soon be offering live streamed and recorded guided silent sitting, watch the events page for dates and updates.


words : Bhagavati image : Dustin Heerkens