I have just received notice of a late notice place to camp and attend the Zmar Silent Intensive Retreat with Sri Mooji next month.
Following a month of solitary retreat at home, I dearly wish to attend this silent intensive retreat with my Beloved Master. Although I have spent much time with him in recent years, and have attended Zmar via Mooji’s Ashram, Monte Sahaja, I haven’t attended a full time residential retreat with him since May 2013. I was unable to attend last year, due to ill health.
There’s one obstacle. To be able to attend, I have only 24 hours to raise the funds to attend. If I am granted a concession, this will be £365 / €505 / $545.
I wasn’t going to share this publicly, but some close Sangha friends have encouraged me to do so, as it is currently the only chance I will be able to go. I currently offer spiritual mentoring and meditation coaching freely and in exchange for donations, but currently have no more than 10% of the retreat fee available to contribute myself.
I need your help to make this happen. I don’t even have time to set up a fundraising page, due to the 24 hour deadline.
If you feel in your heart to help with a donation, please send to me via my Dãna donations page and make a donation via PayPal.
All support, no matter how tiny, would be gratefully received. If only half of my Facebook friends sent $1, I would have all the funds I need.
I will post fund updates on my Facebook page for the next 24 hours.
Thank you for reading.