mindful living

Minimalist comfort.


At this time of year, in the Northern Hemisphere, we seek comfort.

Minimalist as well as zen, I maintain a wardrobe of only 3 pairs of footwear :

1. Havaianas flip-flops, for home, pool, beach and ashram.
2. Lightweight suede loafers, loved for cafe and street adventures in Mallorca.
3. Inov8 Mudroc 290 off road shoes, for quiet journeys in the mountains, and hiking around the ashram.

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Right now, I need to upgrade these travel weary shoes, and where I am drives what I need, as always in the life of a nomad.

On retreat in a quiet Buddhist Centre in Southern England for the next 6 weeks, some minimalist grey slippers could be just the thing. After that, they wouldn’t be out of place at the ashram.

L: Women’s felt slippers by InWool, Lithuania / R: Men’s house shoes by Agnes Felt, Lithuania.
