living zen

Living zen retreat / Day 27.

"What I am really saying, 
is that you don’t need to do anything, 
because if you see yourself in the correct way, 
you are all as much extraordinary phenomena of nature 
as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, 
the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy.

You are all just like that, 
and there is nothing wrong with you at all." 
– Alan Watts

You don’t need to do anything.

Such simplicity and power in that short sentence. From experience, I know this to be true. Right now, I know this to be true. The Zen Masters know this to be true. All the great Sages, Saints and Masters know it.

You are a beautiful phenomena of nature, extraordinary in your ordinariness.

Like a shooting star, you burn through the sky of life, showering your beautiful sparks on all you pass close to.

There is nothing wrong with you at all.

You are already perfect and whole, just as you are. Perhaps you don’t see that right now? If not, look again. Take off the glasses of delusion, and look deeply into the heart of your being.

Sink quietly, deep into the silence is there, leaving the noise of thought behind, like so many waves on the surface of the ocean. Your perfection is there too. In the depths, on the surface. This is you, and you are already perfect and beautiful.

All is well. Now, what’s your problem?

[image / carne griffiths]


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