living zen

Living zen retreat / Day 16.

The pure, clear interpretation of life…

"Tozan said:

‘The blue mountain is father of white cloud. Blue mountain is father of while cloud. And white cloud is the son of blue mountain. All day long they depend on each other. Without knowing.’

Depending on each other, white cloud is always white cloud. Blue mountain is always blue mountain.

This is pure, clear interpretation of life. There may be many things like white cloud – blue mountain.

Man and woman, teacher and disciple – they are depending on each other, but white cloud should be white cloud. White cloud should not be bothered by blue mountain. Blue mountain should always be blue mountain. Blue mountain should not be bothered by white cloud.

They are quite independent, but dependent. This is how we live and how we practice zazen.

When we become ourselves, purely, in its true sense, we just become a swinging door and we are purely independent and dependent to everything.

Without air, we cannot take breathing.

Each one of us is in the midst of myriads of worlds.

We are in the center of the world.”
Shunryu Suzuki

You are in the centre of the world. Each one of us is.

Wherever you go today, know this to be true, and you will experience the truth, as it is.


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