living zen

Living zen retreat / Day 10.


“If you realised how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet.”
– Byron Katie

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“Close your eyes. 
Fall in love. 
Stay there.”
– Rumi


Once you begin to truly look within, you will discover that which you seek is found right there, within. 

This recognition, as you fall in love with this true nature, is the greatest of delights. The highest pleasure. The most sincere recognition.This is not you as you thought you were, it is you as you really are. 

The you that came to this place, the one you never imagined you could fall in love with, this you lives in this one that you fall in love with.

As you sit and meditate today, contemplate who you are, where you are, where are you to be found? Are you there? Is there a you, meditating, contemplating? Is there a you, reading this? 

Or is there something greater, playing through you? Is life flowing through you, unlimited?

Because, once you recognise the answers to these questions, not just in words, but in direct experience, then you will fall at your own feet, in recognition of what you have found.

All the masters, teachers and gurus in the world can only point you to this. They cannot replace it. You need them to find the way, but ultimately, there is only this.

Fall at your own feet. You are the best the universe has to offer. 


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